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2 Years Ago
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Things I Wish I Knew Before Going Through Sorority Recruitment

Let's ease some of those nerves! Here are a couple of things I wish someone told me before my first rush.
Faiza Arshad
Marketing Manager,
Fresh Prints
2 Years Ago
5 min read
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Are you rushing a sorority? Feeling nervous? Don’t know what to do or say? These worries circled my head as rush week approached the first time I went. Let me try and ease some of those nerves! Here are a couple of things I wish someone told me before my first rush.

Wear What You Want to Wear

A common concern when it's your first time going to one of these things is outfit choices. The biggest piece of advice I can give you here is to wear something that you are confident in, not what you think the sororities want to see you wearing. Go in an outfit that screams you so you're coming out of it knowing which house you'll fit in best.

There Is No Need To Lie

No matter what you're asked during your rounds - don't lie! The girls are simply trying to get to know you to see if you're a match and so are you! You are there to find a house you fit in best. The last thing you need is to play a character all year in a house with girls you never really liked - all because of a lie you told when rushing! 

Getting “Dropped” Can Be A Blessing In Disguise

The Greek community needs to normalize the idea of getting “dropped” from houses during recruitment. There are several houses for a reason! They all have their characteristics and you’re not going to fit into all of them, and that’s not a bad thing! You have to think of getting dropped as that sorority leading you in the right direction.

Go Into It With An Open Mind

Whether you like to admit it or not, I know you have considered taking a peek at your school’s Greek rank or judge each of the sorority’s Instagram feeds. 


Or if you do it, use both as tools to get to know the houses better. Don't build your final conclusions on them. Rushing is a way to meet the people behind the pictures and ranks. It will help you fully get the vibe of each house. 

The girls you talk to are just as nervous as you

Going into the conversations, your hands might be a little shaky and you might start to break a sweat because of the nerves. Here’s a little secret that you may not know: the girl you’re about to talk to? She’s feeling the same way. Meeting new people is nerve-wracking, but I promise you all those nerves will fly out the door when the conversation gets going. Reminding yourself that they are just as nervous will help you calm your nerves just a bit.

Write. Down. Everything. 

When I look back on my rush experience, I often find myself wishing I could remember who exactly I talked to and what my first impressions were. This is why I recommend jotting down your thoughts in a journal after every round. This will be especially helpful when you rank all the houses in the end.

Look around at the other girls 

This tip is a little more geared towards pref round, but it is still important so listen up! When you go to your house on pref night, make sure to look at the girls around you and ask yourself if you can see these girls being your bridesmaids, godmothers to your future kids, or at the very least - good friends throughout college. 

You only go to college once! If you can’t make great friends out of it, then what’s the point? It is a high bar you're setting but a high bar will help you make a decision.

Be selfish 

It is absolutely acceptable to be selfish with your decision at the end of the week. You shouldn’t choose your house based on where your school friends are going or if that house is considered to be the top house or not. Your decision should be based completely on what you want and need in a sisterhood.

Choosing your house will be one of the best decisions of your College life

At the end of the week, you will face a hard decision. You spoke to all those girls, you did all the tours and activities, you even took notes! You did everything you had to. Now it's time - where do you want to go? Why? Where do you imagine having the best time?

Once you choose the right house for you, it’s going to be amazing. 

Now you're ready to go through your first sorority recruitment. Good luck! We hope you have a great experience.