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6 Months Ago
6 min read

Pros and Cons of Running For A Sorority Executive Position

Don’t apply to be an exec girlie without reading this!!
Faiza Arshad
Marketing Manager,
Fresh Prints
6 Months Ago
6 min read
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Oooh, look at you, girlie, ready to make your mark in your chapter by being part of your sorority’s executive board! That’s a huge responsibility, but we know you can serve. And serve 💅

With chair or executive positions in a sorority, titles and responsibilities usually vary between chapters and universities. However, there are a lot of common executive positions in sorority chapters, with slight differences in titles.

what are the pros and cons of each sorority executive position?

Note: We’ll only cover the most common positions here. Your chapter may have additional ones based on your structure.

Pros and Cons of Each Sorority Executive Position

Sorority President


Pros of Being a Sorority President

As the head of the entire sorority, you’ll call the shots. Everyone will defer to you for final decisions as the Queen Bee of your chapter, which means you have everyone’s respect. Think Regina George but without the Burn Book or the backstabbing attitude. It’ll be a great way to strengthen and showcase your leadership skills and gain a hundred (or more) little sisters!

Cons of Being a Sorority President

However, this is a very daunting position, since you’ll be responsible for the entire chapter. You’ll have to consider the girls’ best interest, ensure your chapter is not falling into PR ruin (so you really have to coordinate with the risk management chair), and still deal with acads. You’ll also be the ~liason~ between your chapter and nationals.

Public Relations Vice President

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Pros of Being a Sorority PR Vice President

How the chapter is perceived by others, from the students to the professors, will be up to you. If this position handles the marketing areas of your chapter (either as the direct task or if you’ll have a marketing chair under you), whatever is on y’alls IG and TikTok is your call. You can post cute, silly, and inspirational things about your girlies! It’s also a great position if you want a future PR/marketing career.

Cons of Being a Sorority PR Vice President

You’ll have to be extra careful about the image associated with your chapter, though. It’s likely your sorority already has its own identity/branding and it’ll be up to you to ensure y’all stay on brand every time. From every photo you approve to the comments written under your sorority IG or TikTok account, those are yours to be accountable for.

Membership Vice President

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Pros of Being a Sorority Membership Vice President

Being the sorority membership VP means two things. First, you’re in charge of prepping your sisters for Rush Week so they all know how to engage with PNMs. Second, whatever changes your chapter undergoes to benefit everyone is your call. You’ll contribute to how your chapter presents itself during Rush, in turn ensuring y’all can find the right girls to join your sisterhood.

Cons of Being a Sorority Membership Vice President

You’ll need tough skin here because satisfying all sorority members is next to impossible. The majority rules, and you sometimes feel guilty disappointing the other girls. Communicating with all members of Rush can also be exhausting unless you’re super into following up ensuring they remember what you taught them before.

Financial Vice President


Pros of Being a Sorority Financial Vice President

If you’re the type to love big risks, you’ll love being the financial vice president of your sorority. It hones your math skills to the maximum, as well as your ability to track where every dollar goes. You can even gain opportunities to learn more technical skills, like learning tricks on Google Sheets to track your chapter’s budget better, which is a skill you can brag about in your CV! 

Cons of Being a Sorority Financial Vice President

It’s not for the scatterbrained girlies with financial anxiety (AKA me). Money is a very sensitive matter—you’ll need to manage the chapter’s finances carefully. Every expenditure covered by your chapter’s budget has to be scrutinized and justified before you approve them. If even a single dollar is off, you’ll have to investigate it.

New Member Educator 


Pros of Being a Sorority New Member Educator

You get cute new members to adopt like they’re a box of kittens. No, seriously, you make their lives easier. You get to feel how your sorority’s new member educator felt when you were part of the newest PC batch. Plus, you get to determine the future of your chapter by establishing how new members are prepped for active membership.

Cons of Being a Sorority New Member Educator

How do you cram everything the newest batch of PCs needs to learn without making it boring? How do you make sure they understand what you are teaching them, and that they respect the history and traditions of your sorority? It’s a lot of pressure. Suddenly you feel bad about your professors.

Panhellenic Affairs Vice President

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Pros of Being a Sorority Panhellenic Affairs Vice President

Everyone knows every sorority chapter has to abide by Panhellenic regulations. The Panhellenic Affairs Vice President ensures your chapter is always compliant and can continue running as a sisterhood on your campus. You’ll learn more about what rules your chapter must abide by and now you understand why the past Panhellenic Affairs VP was so strict.

Cons of Being a Sorority Panhellenic Affairs Vice President

It’s a very nerve-wracking position because, if you’re not careful, your chapter can be penalized or even disbanded. You’ll feel like you need to scrutinize everything your chapter does and if it complies with regulations, and then come up with a suitable defense if they start asking. 

As long as you’re responsible, always on top of your duties, and know when and how to seek help from others, we know you’ll be a Superwoman as a sorority exec. Good luck!