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2 Years Ago
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How To Grow Your Sorority’s TikTok Account: 12 Must-Know Tips

Blow up your sorority’s content on everyone’s FYP with these helpful ways to grow your TikTok account!
Faiza Arshad
Marketing Manager,
Fresh Prints
2 Years Ago
12 min read
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The whole #BamaRush on TikTok? HBO Max and Vice are teaming up to make a documentary about it! If that’s not a sign of how powerful of a platform TikTok is, I don’t know what is. A lot of big brands are using TikTok, Alabama rushees triggered the making of a documentary, your sorority should definitely be making the most out of it! Here are 12 must-know tips on how to grow your TikTok account!

Before anything else, does your chapter have a TikTok account? Not yet? Check out TikTok’s official guide on creating one

Let’s get to it! 

1. Optimize Your TikTok Account

Reaching and staying on everyone’s For You Page requires more than just pure luck. You need great content (more of this later) and a profile optimization strategy! Here’s what you should do: 

Username and Handle

  • Pick a simple, recognizable name and handle. The goal here is to make your chapter known to many. That’s just impossible if you go with something overcomplicated. This isn’t a rule but this format should give you an idea:
    • Sorority Name + University
  • Use special characters sparingly or only when necessary.
  • If the username is taken, try different variations. For example, if AlphaPhiFreshPrintsUniversity is taken, try AlphaPhiFreshPrints, AlphaPhiFreshPrintsU, or even FPUAlpha.

Profile Picture

You can either use your sorority’s logo or a photo of your members having fun. You want anyone who visits your profile to feel the right vibe: this is a legitimate sorority or these girls look like they're having the time of their lives. 


If you've created other social media pages for your sorority, you’ve done this before. No need to overthink it. The key is to keep it sweet and straightforward. TikTok has an 80-character limit on bios, so keep it short and snappy! Here are a few ideas: 

  • Sorority Name + University + Chapter
    • Alpha Chi Fresh Prints University  - Omicron Chapter
  • Sorority Name + University + Chapter + Emojis
    • Alpha Chi Fresh Prints University  - Omicron Chapter 💖
  • Sorority Name + University + Chapter + Tag line
    • Alpha Chi Fresh Prints University  - Omicron Chapter - Real. Strong. Women. 
  • Content Description + Sorority Name + University + Chapter
    • Sorority Life | Alpha Chi Fresh Prints University  - Omicron Chapter
    • Sisterhood 💖| Alpha Chi Fresh Prints University  - Omicron Chapter

Now, you’re all set! Make sure to tag your sorority's TikTok account in your IG bio and promote it to boost your followers. 

2. Understand The TikTok Algorithm 

Content is king but understanding the algorithm is everything! Branded by Forbes as the antidote to the beautiful yet “fake” world of Instagram, TikTok seems to favor raw and authentic content. But what factors influence its algorithm? According to Later.com, a social media marketing blog, here are the factors that influence the TikTok algorithm.

TikTok Account Activity

More engagement means a higher likelihood of being served to a wider audience. Here are positive content engagement indicators: 

  • Likes 
  • Comments 
  • Shares 
  • Completions 
  • Re-watches 

Video Information or Subject Matter

TikTok categorizes content based on user interests. A video’s subject matter affects its potential reach in the app.TikTok scans subject matter from: 

  • Caption keywords
  • Sounds
  • Hashtags
  • Effects
  • Content (Video Transcript)

Language and Location

When deciding who may be interested in a video, TikTok factors in users’ device settings including:

  • Posting location
  • Language preferences
  • Type of mobile device


TikTok’s algorithm also categorizes content by the trending sounds or songs used in a video. When you use popular audio, the algorithm will serve your video to people who have already engaged with the trends.

"Not Interested" Feedback

The TikTok algorithm is all about serving users high-interest videos. It also factors in users’ previous activity:

  • Videos they’ve marked as "Not Interested"
  • Users they've hidden
  • Videos they skip through

Factors with Zero Influence on the TikTok Algorithm

Here’s some good news! TikTok doesn’t consider the following when it ranks content: 

  • TikTok account followers
  • Whether you’ve had previous high-performing videos

This means the playing field is level! Even if you never posted before or you only have a couple of followers, your video can still blow up. How about that! 

Now that you have an idea of how the algorithm categorizes content, the next items are tips on how to boost your content performance.

3. Post Frequently 

According to TikTok, in order to capture and engage new and wider audiences, the key is to continuously share fresh and diverse content. TikTok recommends posting 1-4 times a day. 

4. Capture Your Audience Within 3 Seconds

Since video completion is a strong interest indicator, you have to get your audience's attention within the first 3 seconds. TikTok users have short attention spans, we know that! Here are some content ideas that may help:

Use Hooks, Add Context Right Away

Before a user even gets the chance to immerse in the content, contextualize it for them right away. You can do this by using the voice-over feature, adding text, or both! You can try these hooks:

  • X reasons why __ 
  • X Surprising Facts About ___
  • X Fun Themes For ___
  • How to Make ____
  • POV: ___
  • Get ready with me! 
  • [Event] Fit Check
  • Day in the life of a ____
  • Storytime! 
  • Here’s how our [event] went


Dance videos are one of the most popular types of content on TikTok. Gather up your members and join dance trends and challenges! It’s a plus if you’ll be wearing cute outfits. Check these videos for inspiration:

Ambush Interviews

The TikTok format that brought us the infamous corn kid we all love! TikTok interviews span from the hilarious to the inspiring ones. Try this content with your members and you might just get funny comedy gems or profound life insights. Here are some questions to get you started: 

  • What’s one thing about being a sorority that most people don’t know? 
  • How did joining our chapter help you in college? 
  • Tell us about the most hilarious thing you’ve seen inside our chapter house. 

5. Focus on a Niche, But Go After Content Variety 

If you consistently post under a niche topic, the TikTok algorithm will recognize you as an “expert” in the niche. The result? Your content will be delivered to the right audience. 

Now, obviously, your main niche is Greek Life or Sorority Life. But nothing should stop you from publishing content ideas that will resonate best with your target audience. You can narrow down your niche if you want to! 

  • Sorority fashion. 
  • Talking about Greek life events! For example, if you want to attract potential new members (PNMs) in the next rush season, post about your previous rush programs. 
  • Show them what rushing to your chapter looks like. 

Don’t forget to mix up fun content with educational videos that are still in your niche. Variety is key! It’s also a great way to check what type of content performs better and what falls behind. 

But a general, infallible rule you can follow is to create content that you find fun. That, in itself, is contagious.

6. Jump in on Trends 

The trend cycle on TikTok is lightning-fast! But that just adds to the fun. There’s always something new to try. Encourage your members to participate in trends and create videos for your TikTok page. Don’t know what trends to try? Check out this useful article from Later.com that gets updated weekly with top TikTok trends. 

7. Use Viral TikTok Audio

This is a no-brainer. We know how the algorithm loves trending audios. Use them to your advantage while they’re still hot! Here’s how you can find trending audios on TikTok:

  • If a sound has been on your For You Page (FYP) a lot, chances are, it’s trending. If you think it is, tap on the note icon above the home button to see how many users have used the sound. 
  • Tap the + icon at the bottom of the screen. Tap Add Sounds, and search keywords like trending sounds or viral audios on the search bar. 
  • Check out these TikTok pages that compile trending sounds and forecast popular audio.

8. Explore New TikTok Features 

TikTok is known for constantly releasing new app features. Playing around with these new tools may increase your engagement. Watch out for new releases and make sure to use them on your content to boost your visibility.

9. Use Relevant Hashtags

Hashtags are big on TikTok, too. Like Instagram, the app uses them to categorize and group content for easier search. Remember #BamaRush? By clicking on the hashtag, you’ll see how it has 2 billion total views as of writing! No wonder movie execs are working on that documentary. 

It’s important that you use the right hashtags. They are essentially keywords you use to tell the TikTok algorithm what your video is about and who the target is. Here are some you can use for your chapter: 

  • #GreekLife
  • #Sorority
  • #SororityLife
  • #(Your School)
  • #(Your Chapter)
  • #(Greek Life Event) 

10. Engage and Network With Similar Content Creators

These platforms are called social media for a reason! Remember to reply to comments and have conversations! Video replies, stitches, and duets are a great way to engage with fellow creators. If you come across interesting comments and content, don’t shy away from engaging! 

11. Test Your Content Among Your Members

Remember to share your content with your members. Not only can they potentially increase your reach and engagement but also give you insights if your video will resonate with your audience. If it’s something they don’t really care about, chances are other people won’t either. 

12. Use TikTok’s Free Content Guides

Save the best for last! Did you know that TikTok has content guides and tools accessible to all? While these are tailored brands and advertisers, there are nuggets of strategies here you can pick up for your own content. If you want to increase your chance of blowing up on TikTok, check these out: 

TikTok is here to stay. And its user base only gets bigger by the day. What used to be a platform only Gen Zs love is now being used by diverse age groups and generations. If you want to improve your sorority’s branding and tell your stories to other sororities, PNMs, and the world, TikTok is one of the best platforms right now.  

Can’t wait to see your content on our FYP! You got this!