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How Far Do The Greek Stereotypes Go? Debunking 12 Frat and Sorority Myths

All about partying? Full of people you won't enjoy hanging out with? We're finally busting 12 myths about fraternity and sorority life.
Faiza Arshad
Marketing Manager,
Fresh Prints
1 Year Ago
11 min read
72 Readers
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Listen up, because you're about to get schooled. You think you know Greek life because you've seen it in the movies? Well, you're as clueless as a goldfish in a maze.

Greek life is like a puzzle - you gotta dig deeper to find the pieces that matter. It's not all about partying. That's just the tip of the iceberg. And what the media shows you is like being Steph Curry in a world full of giants (quite literally).

So, hold your judgments, because we're about to bust some myths about Greek life that have been floating around for way too long. 

As a wise philosopher once said, "Don't believe everything you hear, especially if it's about frat parties." 

  1. Myth #1: Greek life = partying
  2. Myth #2: Greek org members are only here to mess around
  3. Myth #3: Greek life is only for extroverts
  4. Myth #4: Greek life is only good until you’re a college student
  5. Myth #5: Greek life is not meant for the geeks 🤓
  6. Myth #6: Greek life is only for certain majors or career paths
  7. Myth #7: Greek life is all about conformity and losing your individuality
  8. Myth #8: Less opportunities, cause Greek members are busy with events
  9. Myth #9: If I’m in Greek life, I’ll have no time to network
  10. Myth #10: Sororities and fraternities don’t give back to the community, do they?
  11. Myth #11: Greek life screams PRIVILEGE
  12. Myth #12: The Greek recruitment process is impossible 

Myth #1: Greek life = partying

Let's face it, fraternities and sororities have a bit of a reputation for being rowdy and party-obsessed. But like any stereotype, this one doesn't tell the whole story. 

Sure, throwing mixers and homecoming parties is a part of Greek life, but that’s not all there is to it. Read through your interested Greek org’s mission, initiatives, and goals to get to know them beyond the parties. 

Every university has a page on their fraternity and sorority life, here is UMich’s Greek page for example.

An even better way is to rush for some of them and meet the members in each frat or srat. 

Myth #2: Greek org members are only here to mess around

There are around 9 million current members and alumni of Greek organizations in the world. If that doesn’t help change your mind about this belief, then what if we told you Mike Bloomberg (Phi Kappa Psi), Mark Zuckerberg (Alpha Epsilon Pi), and Kamala Harris (Alpha Kappa Alpha) are all Greek life alumni?

Yes! Like any organization, you’ll find all sorts of people. But there’s no scarcity of intelligent, diverse, and driven individuals in Greek life They are doctors, lawyers, engineers, artists, and activists. 

Here are a few examples:

First up, we've got Phi Alpha Delta.

Now, these guys have been around since the beginning of time (okay, not really, but they're pretty darn old). They're one of the oldest law fraternities out there, so you know they mean business. If you're looking to network with some serious legal eagles, Phi Alpha Delta might just be the crew for you.

Next on the list, we've got Alpha Phi Alpha.

These guys were the OGs of intercollegiate historically African American fraternities. That's right - they paved the way for all the other cool kids on campus. They're all about service and advocacy, which is pretty darn impressive if you ask me. If you're looking to make a difference in your community, you might want to consider rushing Alpha Phi Alpha.

Last but not least, we've got Delta Sigma Theta.

These folks are all about making the world a better place, one step at a time. They focus on enhancing political, educational, social, and economic conditions, particularly within black communities. If you're passionate about social justice and want to make a real impact, Delta Sigma Theta might just be the fraternity for you.

There are many more Greek orgs that are meant for different fields + purposes. You should definitely take a look and see which one fits you best!

These Greek orgs and many more like them have a passion for something bigger than themselves and are constantly striving to make a difference in their communities. In fact, you should deep dive into how philanthropic events are a big part of their culture.  

Myth #3: Greek life is only for extroverts

Nope! There are 9 million current and former Greek org members. What are the chances they're all extroverts? 

Greek life is for anyone who wants to be a part of a supportive community and develop their leadership skills. Sure, some events might be more social in nature, but there are plenty of opportunities for introverts to get involved and make meaningful connections.

Myth #4: Greek life is only good until you’re a college student

False! You don't have to say goodbye to Greek life after graduation. Many fraternities and sororities have alumni chapters that provide networking opportunities and community service initiatives for graduates. 

In fact, some members stay involved in their Greek organizations for their entire lives. They don't say, "Once a Greek, always a Greek" for no reason!

Myth #5: Greek life is not meant for the geeks 🤓

“You can't have a pocket protector and thick-rimmed glasses to thrive in a fraternity or sorority...” Says who? In fact, many Greek organizations have minimum GPA requirements to join, which means you have to be dedicated to academics to at least some degree to even get in.

The Panhellenic Council and Interfraternity Council have their own GPA requirements, and each individual sorority and fraternity has its own national academic standards. Sorry-not-sorry, they won't take anyone who falls below their standards. (Meaning everyone is an almost-geek.)

And it's not just about grades! You gotta have community service under your belt, some involvement on campus, and maybe even some high school leadership experience. 

But don't rush it (get it? Like "rush week"?) because most fraternities and sororities only accept applicants with an established college GPA, meaning you might have to wait until your second semester to rush.

And if you're worried about keeping up with your studies while balancing your Greek duties, don't! It’s actually the opposite. 

Many Greek organizations offer academic support services, like tutoring and study groups, to help you ace those exams. Who needs ChatGPT when you have your Greek brothers and sisters to help you out? 

Okay maybe you still need it but even then, nothing beats a helpful and supportive sister/brother.

Myth #6: Greek life is only for certain majors or career paths

Although field-specific Greek orgs exist, most Greek organizations welcome members from all academic disciplines and career paths. Whether you're studying business, science, art, or anything in between, there's likely a fraternity or sorority that aligns with your interests. 

Learn more about how your sorority can help you with your career

Myth #7: Greek life is all about conformity and losing your individuality

Believing this is like saying the earth is flat in 2023! While Greek life emphasizes teamwork and collaboration, it also encourages members to embrace their individuality and express themselves. 

In fact, many fraternities and sororities have traditions and rituals that celebrate members' unique backgrounds and personalities. So, don't be afraid to be yourself.

Myth #8: Less opportunities, cause Greek members are busy with events

Greek life offers tons of opportunities for leadership, personal growth, and more. You could end up holding an executive board position, planning events, and even raising money for a good cause. 

And, believe it or not, many Greek alumni go on to become super successful leaders in their fields and communities. In fact, Tim Cook, the big boss over at Apple used to be a frat boy in college. Yep, you heard that right. This tech titan was a member of the Delta Sigma Phi fraternity and even ran the show as its president

There are more of them too! Here are some of the top dogs in the Fortune 500 who were actually frat bros back in the day. 

Myth #9: If I’m in Greek life, I’ll have no time to network

Don't let anyone fool you. Being a part of a fraternity or sorority can actually give you some serious networking mojo. 

You get connected with alumni in your field of interest, get insider info on internships and job placements, and meet like-minded peeps who could help you grow personally and professionally.

Myth #10: Sororities and fraternities don’t give back to the community, do they?

Greek organizations are all about giving back to their communities and making a difference. 

From hosting charity events and fundraising to volunteering at local organizations, fraternities and sororities are constantly spreading love and doing good. So, if you're looking to make a positive impact while in college, joining a Greek org could be just something you should do.

Myth #11: Greek life screams PRIVILEGE

Okay, okay, we know what you're thinking. "Greek life is just for rich, white, privileged students."

The truth is, although this has been true for most of Greek life history, quite a few fraternities and sororities are making huge strides towards diversity and inclusion. 

How are they doing this - you ask? Well, here’s Veda Pai’s story - how she as a DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion position) chairwoman for the Gamma Alpha chapter of Phi Mu brought change through activities and initiatives. 

Greek orgs welcome students from all backgrounds and walks of life. Sure, there's always more work to be done, especially when it comes to how much it really costs to be a part of Greek life, but credit where credit is due - we seem to be moving in a positive direction.

Myth #12: The Greek recruitment process is impossible 

Okay, we get it. The recruitment process can be nerve-wracking. But it can also be an amazing opportunity to meet new people, learn about different organizations, and find your place on campus. 

Remember, it's not just the Greek org interviewing you - you're interviewing them too! So don’t hesitate to apply and see what the fuss is all about. 

Let's give you a head start - here’s a list of things you should know before applying.

Honestly, being part of a fraternity or sorority can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. From leadership opportunities to lifelong friendships, there's so much more to it than partying.

So if you’re still unsure, go rush a Greek org that interests you so you can decide for yourself! Who knows, you might just find your new home away from home. And let's be real, who in their right mind wouldn't want to join a group that's all about bonding, doing good, hanging out with friends, and even food that never seems to run out?