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1 Year Ago
9 min read

From Rush to Resume: How Joining a Sorority Can Help Your Career

Joining a sorority can help build your career, but not in the way you might think. From making connections to developing professional skills, sorority life offers major benefits for your future success.
Faiza Arshad
Marketing Manager,
Fresh Prints
1 Year Ago
9 min read
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You can use your sorority to score your dream job. Yep, you read that right - your sorority can actually help you land a whole income stream.

Now, don't get it twisted, we're not saying you need to go full-blown sorority gal and wear a toga to get a job (unless that's your thing, then you do you). But if you're looking to brush up on your interview skills, then rushing to a sorority could be the move.

Not only will you have a blast doing all the fun stuff like sisterhood events and hitting up the local food joints with your sorority bestie, but you'll also gain valuable life benefits. 

We're talking; about time management, leadership, teamwork, and communication skills - stuff that'll set you up for success after graduating.

Plus, you'll make sorority connections with alumni who have been in your shoes and know how to make it big in the real world. Who knows, they might even be that referral you need for your dream job.

And, if you are on the prowl for some job search tips and career development…Well then, keep reading, ‘cause you might find the key to unlock your success today! Let's start with the benefits of joining a sorority:

Prepares You For More Responsibilities

Even if you know nothing about sororities, you probably still know something about the events. Formals, bid days, date parties - there are always some clips floating around on TikTok giving you a glimpse into the fun sorority life.

But here's the kicker: being a part of a college sorority is a whole job and a half. Those fun events? You'll not only need to show up to those but you'll likely help organize and manage them in some way or another - getting sign-ups, maintaining a budget, booking a venue, etc. You might even take up an entire event to throw. That includes stuff like planning a timeline, creating task lists, etc.

Do you know what comes with that? Responsibility! Not only of the task you're owning but also of people working with you to make something happen.

And setting timelines and plans, delegating tasks, holding people accountable, executing plans, etc.? All of that is what hiring managers and recruiters are looking for in fresh graduates. So yeah, sorority benefits may seem all glitter and glam, but at the end of the day, it's about being responsible and making the most of the opportunities it presents.

Show off how you managed an event, tell them how well you planned and organized everything for your sorority, and explain with an example how your sorority life has helped you with career development.

If you want to hear it from a sorority alum herself, read this piece by Leah Ward Sears who talks about her personal experience when it comes to sorority life. 

Develops Your Professional Network

Alright, so here's the well-known perk. We're talking about the kind of sorority connections that can help you slide into your dream career like butter on a hot piece of toast. The ones that people within the industry rave about. 

See, when you're a member of a sorority, you've got a whole squad of sisters who have your back. Your senior sisters are out there crushing it in the real world, making all sorts of boss moves and meeting all sorts of cool people. 

Trust us, your sorority industry connections are deeper than you think! 

And when they see a fellow sister with drive and ambition, they're gonna be more than happy to hook you up with all sorts of opportunities outside of the sorority walls.

Think about it. Your sisters have connections all over the place. They know people in all sorts of industries and fields, and they can help introduce you to the right people who can help you score the job of your dreams. 

And even if you're not sure what you want to do yet, your sorority sisters can give you some major inspo and help you explore different career paths. All it takes is hitting them up and asking them questions about their career.

So, if you're looking to level up your career game, joining a sorority might just be the move. Because when you're part of a sisterhood, you're never alone in your journey to the top.

Helps in Career-Building Beyond Networking

(Read in Matthew McConaughey's voice) Alright, alright, alright, let's talk about the amazing sorority benefits that will set you up for success, both in college and beyond.

First up, we've got sorority career help. As we mentioned earlier, being part of a sorority means you have access to a whole network of alumni who are killing it in their careers. And they're happy to help you out by introducing you to their connections, sharing job openings, and even giving you insider tips on how to ace that interview.

But the benefits don't stop there. 

If you struggle to approach networking naturally, you might benefit from going to events where that's the whole point. Sorority networking events are like a superpower that helps you connect with other like-minded women who are all striving for greatness. These events are the place to be if you want to make those meaningful connections that can change your life.

And if you want to take things to the next level, many stats also offer sorority career workshops where you can learn valuable skills like resume building, interviewing, and networking (because let's be real, most people aren't born with that finesse).

But even after you graduate, the sorority benefits keep coming. That's right, we've got sorority alumni associations where you can stay connected with your sisters and continue to build those connections. If someone wasn't a valuable connection early in your career, who knows if they become one later? 

So, if you want to set yourself up for success and build lifelong connections, join a sorority. The sorority benefits are endless, and the opportunities are waiting for you to grab them.

Builds the Most In-Demand Soft Skill Out There: Leadership Skills

So, you want to become a leader in your sorority? Well, let us tell you, it goes beyond the title and is a major investment of your time and energy. Before your term is up, you'll have developed serious leadership skills.

Generally, there are two types of positions: elected and appointed. But, getting elected as president or an exec officer is like winning the jackpot - everyone wants it, but only a few lucky ones get it.

But don't worry, there are still plenty of appointed positions in departments like PR, education, finances, panhellenic affairs, fundraisers, and membership. Think of these as baby steps to becoming that corporate girlie.

FYI, even these non-exec positions aren't a joke. They require teamwork, communication, and leadership skills - all of which are crucial for success in any aspect of life.

So, don't just think of this sorority leadership development as a way to pad your resume, but as an opportunity to grow and develop as a person.

Want to know more about all the leadership positions that exist within a sorority? See our ultimate guide here

Helps You Become A Pro At Time Management

Arguably, the one soft skill that you need to master in order to achieve great things regardless of title, industry, or career path.

Picture this: you're already juggling classes, coursework, and a part-time job (it's exhausting to just read all of that), and now you have to add sorority events and meetings into the mix. But there's a benefit to the chaos: you'll naturally find yourself figuring out a rhythm and routine. Time journals, calendars, task lists, and even approaches to planning your time - whatever you find that works best for you will set you up for a lifetime.

Mastering managing your time to get the most out of your day is an underrated but life-changing skill. Being involved in a sorority can be that extra push to help you master it.

Adds Real Substance To Your Resume

So, you already know that being part of a sorority can help you build that resume and score those dream job and internship opportunities. But did you know there's more to it than just marketing your sorority experience?

As we said earlier, sororities can offer some seriously sweet job placements, thanks to their industry connections and career panels. Plus, they often organize career fairs and internship opportunities, giving you a direct line to some killer employers.

But again - there's more!

Being involved in fundraising initiatives of the sorority and participating in those community service opportunities - not only makes your sorority experience all the more fulfilling but helps you develop skills that you can write on your resume and back up with multiple instances where you developed them.

See? Sorority life isn't just about sisterhood and social events (although those are pretty sweet too), it also helps build your resume and get those jobs and internships you've been dreaming of.