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10 Months Ago
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Fall Rush Prep 101: Questions You’ll Be Asked and Should Ask!

Slay Fall Rush by being prepared for what the members will ask, plus what you should ask them!
Faiza Arshad
Marketing Manager,
Fresh Prints
10 Months Ago
5 min read
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Fall Rush season isn’t happening for a few months, but we know you’re already excited (and probably a little nervous) to experience it! You’ve probably watched YouTube and TikTok videos of what to wear, which chapters are at your school, what girls do when they get a bid, what it’s like to live in the chapter house, etc.

But are you prepared for the questions chapters might ask you? Are you ready for the chance to ask meaningful questions to really get to know the chapters?

Just like a job interview, how you ask and answer questions can affect how chapters see you as a potential fit. If you’re nervous about that (who wouldn’t be?), don’t worry because we got you!

What Sorority Members Might Ask During Rush

Panhellenic sorority recruitment has 3-4 rounds: Open house, Philanthropy, Sisterhood, and Preference. It might differ depending on your university, so you should look up your school’s Panhellenic Council info to be sure! Each round focuses on different aspects of the sorority and gets more and more selective. You’ll get asked various questions depending on the night.

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General Questions

You’ll usually have more general conversations during the Open House round. Actives (current sorority members) might start with an icebreaker or ask you basic questions about yourself to get to know you. Some examples might include “Where are you from?” or “Why did you decide to go through sorority recruitment?” They might also ask about your semester, your chosen major, etc.

Don’t get stressed over making yourself look perfect with your answers! Actives are looking for authenticity—they want you to be real with them and not play a character just to fit in. For example, if you’re struggling with the transition of being away from your family, they won’t mind! They might have had the same experience and can give you advice and relate to you.

Our point is, don’t try to fit yourself into a mold during the Open House round. Just be authentically yourself and you’ll attract the right people. 

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Philanthropy Questions

One of the biggest aspects of any sorority is its philanthropy. They’ll look for PNMs who are as enthusiastic and will ask questions that gauge how much you care. 

The most common question they have is if you did volunteer work or community service in high school. If you did, this is your chance to talk to them about your involvement! But, if you didn’t, don’t worry. Most importantly, don’t lie about volunteering before. They won’t hold your inexperience against you as long as you genuinely want to contribute to the community and are passionate about making a difference.

Another thing they might ask is what you’re looking for in a sorority. Actives want to know if your values align with them, why you want to join, and what connections you hope to build. Every round, you’ll find your conversations are more meaningful and deeper than the ones you had in the previous round, and you’ll build relationships with the members you speak to.  

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Sisterhood Questions

There’s more to sororities than the next event to prep for and charitable cause! They are sisterhoods of young women who are almost like family, and their members are some of their closest friends. They’ll ask you what you look for in a friendship and what you loved doing with your friends in high school.

Again, don’t worry about putting on a show—actives want to know the real you. If you weren’t Miss Popular in high school, they won’t mind that if you show you’re still genuine and authentic.  Obviously, not everyone is an extrovert! However, if you have friendships that are really important to you, this is your time to tell them all about it. 

What to Ask Sorority Members During Rush

While actives should drive the conversation, you’re also free (and encouraged!) to ask questions. After all, they’re not just choosing you—you’re also choosing them. Plus, let’s be real: asking questions yourself shows the actives you’re engaged and you care.

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Here are some questions we suggest asking: 

  • What’s their favorite Philanthropy event? 
  • What’s their favorite sisterhood event?
  • What do they like to do with their members outside of events?
  • What leadership options do they offer and are first-year members allowed to hold positions? 
  • What made them choose their chapter? 
  • What do they wish they knew during recruitment that they would go back and tell their past selves?

You don’t have to ask these questions like a formal interview, but they will help keep your conversation flowing naturally. Plus, if they’re the chapter for you, getting to know them will feel like you’re talking to your best friend.

This isn’t an exhaustive list of what you’ll be asked and what you can ask during the Fall Rush, but you should feel more prepared now to navigate these exciting (but nerve-wracking) convos!  And remember: you’re not joining a sorority for popularity points or to elevate your social status. You’re looking for a place that feels like family on campus. So being yourself while you get to know them will lead you to the right chapter. Good luck!!