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2 Years Ago
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7 Best On-Campus Jobs To Help You Earn While You Study

College is expensive! Here is a list of top 7 jobs that will help you earn money.
Faiza Arshad
Marketing Manager,
Fresh Prints
2 Years Ago
7 min read
18 Readers
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Hot take: college is expensive. Okay, maybe that wasn’t really a hot take. It’s a fact and we all know it. 

After tuition, you also need some spend more for daily expenses, hobbies, savings, and having a good time. An on-campus job can help you cover those costs. 

Plus studies have found that working while you study actually increases your chances of earning a higher salary after you graduate. 

If you’re interested in getting an on-campus job, you should check these out: 

  1. Research Assistant (RA)
  2. Teaching Assistant (TA)
  3. Library Assistant
  4. Fresh Prints Campus Manager
  5. Residential Advisor or Assistant
  6. Gym Roles (Lifeguard / Gym Attendant)
  7. Peer Tutor

Research Assistant (RA)

College departments are almost always on the lookout for research assistants. These positions are great for many reasons: you’ll build relationships with your professors and improve your research and analytical skills.

If data and hard research are not your thing, you can also do things like collect participants for a study, manage emails, do background research, etc.

Teaching Assistant (TA)

If you loved a class and performed really well in it, you can ask the professor for a TA position. TAs grade papers, help prepare course material, proctor exams, hold office hours, and lead a few classes.

You’ll build teaching experience, public speaking skills, time management skills, and more.

Library Assistant

This position is perfect for students with demanding majors. You’ll help with reshelving books, booking private library rooms, and books out, and keeping things organized. At the same time, you can often find time to sit in a quiet place to study or finish your assignments.

It’s also a great place to meet new people! Students from different majors and professors from different departments all use the library. One conversation can establish a valuable connection for life.

Fresh Prints Campus Manager

Yea! We’re hiring. Our Campus Managers help fellow students on campus design custom apparel for school orgs like sororities, fraternities, clubs, and teams. Campus Manager responsibilities include pitching potential customers, recommending products, working with our graphics team to design the apparel, and placing orders. 

You’ll like this role if:

  1. You have a knack for learning new things
  2. You’re interested in entrepreneurship, sales, marketing, supply chain, finance, or business in general 
  3. You’re really driven and creative
  4. You’re looking for fun ways to connect with more peers on campus. 
  5. You don’t want set hours of work
  6. You’re looking for a way to add lots of tangible skills to your resume 

Although you’ll pick up many new business skills,  you don’t need to have a business background to excel. We will train you and then you’ll be paired with a full-time mentor who’ll help you tackle any challenges. You’ll work with our full-time graphics, logistics, and licensing teams to make sure your orders are a success. And we also cover all of the costs involved. So you get to experience building a business without taking any financial risk. 

You can learn more about the position here or apply for it here. 

Residential Advisor or Assistant

The RA position is a great fit for students who live in college dorms. The role often comes with a HUGE benefit: free housing. Some universities pay a stipend instead.

The responsibilities of an RA include ensuring dorm rules are being followed, overseeing safety protocol, helping new residents, solving social issues, etc.

If you enjoy meeting new people and don’t mind conflict, being an RA is a good option.

Gym Roles (Lifeguard / Gym Attendant)

For students with summer lifeguard experience, a shift-based role in the pool area might be the perfect fit. If swimming isn’t your forte, consider applying to be an attendant at your college fitness center.

As a gym attendant, your responsibilities include stacking and sanitizing equipment, managing bookings, etc.

If you’ve fit yourself, look out for opportunities to lead classes on yoga, pilates, etc., or act as a general instructor at the gym. 

Peer Tutor

If you’re really good at a specific subject and you’re confident you could teach it, being a peer tutor might be a great fit.

Some colleges offer formal peer tutor positions you can apply to (check your college website!). If your college doesn’t or you want to do it separately, you can put up flyers marketing your services.

Along with helping other students out, this gig will help you deepen your understanding of a subject you love and improve your teaching skills. Moreover, depending on the peer tutor program or your individual charges – it could prove to be a seriously lucrative side hustle.

There you have it! Our pick for the 7 best on-campus jobs for college students. We recommend these jobs because they’re on-campus so you’re not spending a lot of time and energy on travel but also because all of these jobs can teach you transferable skills like communication, people management, etc. All skills that you can apply to whatever industry you end up in doing whatever role you choose.

Happy Applying! 🙂