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2 Years Ago
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5 Things To Cross Off Your College Bucket List Before Graduating in 2023

Are you a college senior who will be graduating college soon? Here are 5 things that need to be on your senior bucket list.
Faiza Arshad
Marketing Manager,
Fresh Prints
2 Years Ago
5 min read
140 Readers
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It's already March of 2023 as we write this! Let's take a moment to sit in existential dread as we truly absorb that fact.

Done? Okay great.

If you're graduating this May, chances are: you're already receiving emails from your college about the grad ceremony preparations, your relatives are asking about your plans after college, and you're waking up every day slightly more nervous about life after graduating than the day before. How many did we get right? We seriously want to know.

Regardless, we're here to lighten it up a bit. College life, as fast as it went by, is worth remembering. When else can you say you got shitfaced until 5 am and made it in time to your 8 am?

Let's make the most of your last few months as a college student. Here's a list of last-minute college graduation bucket list ideas you must do before graduating.

Go on a Food tour Around Campus

If you're like most people, you probably still order the same food you discovered and liked in freshmen year. It's time you snap out of that. Plan a date with your friends to try every restaurant on campus. If your campus isn't huge and you have the funds, go off-campus! Order things off the menu you'd never normally order and give them a rating.

The exaggerated masterchef judge reactions? Pull them out for this. Go all out! Bread? Too hard. Seasoning? Non-existent. Does the restaurant have a future according to your expert taste buds? Decide at the end of each round.

It’s a wholesome and fulfilling way to bond and complete your college experience.

Get Class Merch

This works even better if you're already a part of a college organization like a club, sorority, or fraternity. Gifting wholesome shirts, cute buttons, or hats with text like "Graduating Class of 2023" is a beautiful way to bid farewell to the seniors in your org before they graduate. A tangible gift commemorating such an important day in their life? They will likely carry it forever.

Here are some graduation merch designs student orgs have made using Fresh Prints to get you inspired. If you have an original idea in mind, we can design it for you in the next few hours too. Text us: (929) 565-6585.

It can be the org's college graduation gift for the seniors or you can distribute the shirts as your college graduation gift for your friends.

Take Advantage of being a student: Campus Cash, Student discounts, and more!

Hot take: College is expensive. Okay, you already knew that. So why not juice your campus cash and maximize your student discounts while you still can?

Level it up a notch if you want to, too. If you have campus meal plans you're a part of, EAT UNTIL YOU CAN'T. Does campus cash allow you to use some of the campus amenities like Zumba lessons or the swimming pool? Go use them!

In fact, if haven't visited a specific part of your campus often but it's covered in your tuition - go there now. Even if all you end up doing is standing there, go do it! Leave no part of the campus unseen! Take advantage of being a student.

Plan a trip or an outdoor activity with your friends

You can even do this solo but the idea is: before your college graduation date arrives, you plan something you've wanted to do for a while now. Here are a few of the most common choices:

  • Senior road trip to neighboring city/state
  • Hiking, diving, going to the beach, or (insert doing activity your college town offers)
  • Engaging in the college senior campus tradition

Whatever you do, make sure you plan and fill the day or days with activities that sound fun to you. A good rule of thumb to decide is thinking "will I be able to do this often after college?" If it's something fun and the answer to that question is no, go for it!

Crash a Mixer or Formal

You've probably been to 500+ parties by now but it's time to get into one you weren't invited to. Sure it’s risky but that’s what makes it exciting! Push yourself to talk to as many people as possible without giving away that you shouldn't be there. If you make a game out of it, aka whoever holds up 10-minute convos with as many strangers as they can without getting caught, that's even better!

The idea is that you put yourself out there and purposely get into situations that you don't normally get into or won't ever get into after graduating. After all, those are the moments you'll remember fondly years from now after college.

Happy graduating! With all the college graduation announcements, celebrations, and stress combined - we hope you're navigating it all well. Trust us, it'll all be worth it soon!