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2023 Job Hunting Tips for Fresh Grads to Get Hired

Looking for job hunting tips? As a new grad navigating the job market, it's crucial to optimize your job search and applications. Check out these job hunting stats and learn how to create a professional online presence.
Faiza Arshad
Marketing Manager,
Fresh Prints
1 Year Ago
9 min read
52 Readers
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Hey there, grad! Congratulations on surviving the academic jungle and making it out alive! 

Now you're ready to step into the ‘real world’ and be a full-fledged adult... or at least pretend to be one.

But hold up, before you start your job search, let's talk about the elephant in the room: COMPETITION. According to the Education Data Initiative’s report, over 4.4 million students graduated from college in 2021. That's a lot of new grads vying for the same jobs.

Don't freak out just yet. Even seasoned pros are constantly brushing up on their job search skills. In a recent survey by Indeed, 91% of employed adults admitted to job searching at least a few times a year. So, you're definitely not alone!

Think of job searching like a game, the more you play, the better you get. That's why we're here to help you level up your search skills and score that dream job with these job-hunting tips. Grab your résumé, and let's get started.

Dive Into The Deep End Of The Job Market (Just Remember To Wear Your Swimmies)

Now, I know job searching can feel like diving into the deep end of a pool without knowing how to swim. But fear not - the key is to know what you want and go after it like a hungry lion chasing a gazelle (but let's not get too violent here, okay? We’re, unfortunately, not in a documentary on Animal Planet).

So, take a moment to really think about what you want out of a job. 

  • Based on your expenses, what’s the range of salary you want? Do you need to pay off those pesky student loans? Is rent an issue or are you living with your parents?
  • Are you looking for a fancy-pants company or a scrappy startup? A.k.a structure vs. steep learning curve? Both of those offer a different routine and path to career development.
  • What are your non-negotiables? A.k.a things that have to be there for you to commit? An above-market salary? Stock benefits?
  • What are things you wish you have in a job, but can do without?
  • Do you want to put on pants and commute to work or stay in your PJs and work from the comfort of your own home?

Now, this is where the magic of the internet comes in handy. Sites like LinkedIn and Indeed are your trusty sidekicks in the job search game. 

You can search for a specific job title, like ’Head Unicorn Wrangler’ or ‘Chief Noodle Maker,’ and then drill down by important factors like location, salary, and experience level. And for all my fellow homebodies out there, most sites even have a ‘remote’ filter. cue angels singing

For things on your list that can’t be filtered directly on Linkedin, read through the job descriptions! Ultimately, your list will help you guide your applications and help you be smarter about what you choose for yourself.

Now, go forth and conquer that job search like the superhero you are. And remember, if at first, you don't succeed, just keep swimming, just KEEP swimming. We’d replace "swimming" with “filtering on job sites like Linkedin” but that doesn’t quite have the ring to it.

Read Up On What Skills Companies Actually Want

Now, I know what you're thinking. "But where do I even start?" First things first, grab a cup of coffee (or a glass of something stronger, if you're so inclined) and settle in for some good ol' fashioned research.

Start by perusing the interwebs for job postings in your desired field. Take note of the skills that are listed as "must-haves" or "nice-to-haves". 

Are they looking for someone with experience in Excel? Can you code in Python like a pro? Do you have a black belt in Photoshop? Jot it all down and then take a good hard look in the mirror - do you possess these skills?

If the answer is "yes", then hot damn, you're off to a great start! 

But if the answer is "no", don't panic. Maybe you're a quick learner and can pick up these skills on the job. Or maybe you just need to spend some time honing your craft before you start firing off résumés left and right.

So, the moral of the story is this - do your homework before you start playing the job market. 

Read up on the skills companies are looking for, and see how you line up. And above all else, customize your résumé + cover letter according to the job requirements. 

In fact, go ahead and search for AI résumé builders that will help you fast-track your job application. I mean, get all the help you can to pass that ATS!

And, if you are super serious, future-proof your career with these 5 game-changing Gen Z skills that will make your résumé irresistible. 

It's Not What You Know, It's Who You Know (And Their Willingness to Forward Your résumé)

So, you've applied for a gig, and now it's time to play the “who do I know" game. Luckily, LinkedIn has got your back. With a few clicks, you can see if you have any connections at the company you're eyeing.

And if you do strike gold, don't hesitate to send them a message or an email. Let them know you've applied for a job and that you'd be eternally grateful if they could throw in a good word or two. 

It’s okay even if you don’t know know that person but kinda know them - reach out still! Most employees get referral bonuses so they’re more than happy to refer you. It’s a W.

So, when it comes to the job search, it's not just about your skills, but also about your connections. And with a little bit of luck and some friendly networking, you might just be the chosen one to join the company's workforce.

FYI, here are 5 LinkedIn profile mistakes you need to steer clear of before you start reaching out.

Speaking of doing things before reaching out to people online...  

Clean Up Your Online Act Before Your Mom Does It For You

Alright, it's time to shine that online presence of yours. And no, I'm not talking about wiping the Cheeto dust off your keyboard (although that wouldn't hurt either).

Step one: Privacy. 

Lock down those social media profiles faster than a squirrel on a bird feeder. Unless, of course, your following is somehow relevant to your work. But let's be real, unless you're a professional meme creator, it's probably not.

Step two: Give your professional profile a.k.a LinkedIn some TLC. 

Polish up that LinkedIn like it's a shiny new Ferrari. Add some pizzazz to your portfolio or risk becoming just another resume in the pile. Show potential employers that you're the cream of the crop, the bee's knees, the cat's pajamas (or any other outdated slang that makes you feel cool).

Remember, first impressions are everything. 

And in today's world, that first impression is often made through a quick Google search. 

So, clean up that digital footprint of yours and make sure your online presence is a reflection of the star that you are.

Your First Job Probably Won't Be a Cinderella Story, But You Can Still Live Happily Ever After

Alrighty, listen up - I'm about to drop some truth bombs. Your first job probably isn’t going to be your dream job, and that's perfectly normal and okay.

Now I know, I know, you've been dreaming about working for Google or Apple since you were little. But let's get real here for a sec.

The job market is tougher than a $2 steak, and competition is stiffer than a board. So, while you're shooting for the stars, don't forget to keep your feet on the ground.

Your first job might be more like a practice round. A warm-up, if you will. But hey, that's no reason to throw in the towel and give up on your dreams. Treated right, every opportunity can be a stepping stone to an even better opportunity - aka one step closer to what you actually want!

So, roll up your sleeves, put on your big kid pants, and get ready to hustle. Your dream job may not happen overnight, but with some hard work, determination, and a sprinkle of luck, you'll get there.

Get started! Here’s WHEN you need to start applying for jobs just before graduation.

Don't Let Job Hunting Get You Down - Remember, You're A Big Catch!

Job hunting is a bit like fishing; sometimes you catch a big one on the first cast, and sometimes you're left with an empty hook and a broken heart. 

But don’t worry, for the job market is full of fish in the sea!

Just because your initial attempts at hooking that dream job don't work out, don't let it get you down. It's not like your worth as a human being is tied to your job title or anything, right? Right. 

Keep your chin up and keep on trawling through those applications.

And hey, while you're at it, why not take a look at some companies that are making waves for their treatment of employees? 

From flexible time off to salaries that'll make you feel like a real-life Scrooge McDuck, there are plenty of businesses out there that value their workers. 

So don't settle for a job that treats you like a shrimp - aim for one that treats you like the starfish you truly are!